Saturday, February 7, 2009

I was on the plane.

I'm not on the plane anymore but I was when I wrote this.

I'm on the plane to China right now. I'll be back in the US somewhere around mid-July and back at Midd probably next fall. Anyway, I'm sorry for not updating this thing in near two months.
A lot of people ask me if I'm excited for China. Up to about an hour ago I definitely would have carefully said no, but it's starting to happen. I ended up meeting a fifth-year at UCSD who will be studying at the same university as I will and we chatted about it a little, which really helped put my mind at ease. The food should be awesome too. As of now, however, I still have no arrangements for living because I missed the dormitory application date (there was only a two day window!), so hopefully I can still get a room on campus.

The saddest thing about going to China, however, is that my ski season was abruptly curtailed. I had a dream last night that it was all a joke and instead of studying abroad in China I was going to take the rest of the semester in Colorado. That would have been sweet. It seems almost evil for a season to end for such a reason before even February arrived. Evil. It wasn't too bad though, since I had quite a fun and productive season when I was on the snow. I guess pre-season starts now for me though. I found out there are great flatland exercises to get prepped for better skiing, so I'm going try that out with the free time I have on campus. Also, China has like an indoor 1-run "mountain" that rents out snow clothes along with its 1960 era skis, so hopefully they haven't closed down yet and I'll get to check that place out a couple times. They have some small kickers and rails and a random kids' playhouse that you can tap and jib on. Ghetto ice-snow though.

Skiing, along with the rest of life, has presented me with an odd dilemma though. I am sort of directionless as far as a career goes, although most the adults around me that I know and respect tell me I don't have too much to worry about. I figured the easiest way to decide what to do is to figure out what I like doing, but when I thought about it, what I really like doing is skiing. I realized over this break that I actually like skiing more than I like eating, and that is scary. However, I don't think I can ski professionally, and it seems most the jobs that enable people to ski the most aren't particularly career-suited unless I work some business job for either a ski resort, equipment manufacturer, or service provider (any of which would be an awesome job). Should I pursue that in hopes of having a life where skiing is constantly at my fingertips or a job that makes hella bank so I can pay to go skiing frequently and do other things too? Man that's such a hard question.

Someone pointed out recently (and correctly) that my blog is pretty much about three things: math, skiing, and the Warriors. Math will probably be on hold for a little while and be replaced by escapades in China, skiing will probably stay, and I definitely can't stop liking the Warriors, as bad as they might be (although they routed the Suns recently). Teresa Wu says, however, that a good blog is about more than just a person's life and hobbies. So what else should I write about to make this professional and interesting? Holler back. Also, I'll be on Skype since China is a hassle to call to. Look for my name. It'll be there. I'll write again when I'm no longer airborne.

1 comment:

Bryant said...

i think you can make it more professional by changing the color. Orange? really?

that is all.

i look forward to reading your blog.