Friday, February 27, 2009

Baseball caps?

I can't decide how often I want to write in my blog. Last semester, when trying to put off homework, I would love the anticipation of having friends put up new, interesting blog posts. I have to balance that, however, with the possibility of having the reputation of living on the internet. Anyway, it's been more than four days so I think it's okay.

There are a lot of Koreans here studying Chinese. I guess it's a thing now. Anyway, I noticed a couple trends while observing various Korean girls. The first thing I noticed is that they are all about heels. So are Chinese girls here, but not to the same extent, and definitely not around campus. Korean girls, however, are all about wearing heels everywhere. Usually with skinny jeans. Which brings me to my next point. Most of them are really skinny. Or at least pretty skinny. I don't think I've seen even one on the chubby side. Third, they all seem to wear lots of makeup. Like a lot. But the oddest thing of all is their obsession with baseball caps. This, of course, is a generalization, but I've noticed that a ton of Korean girls here (from Korea) wear baseball caps all the time. Especially many wear Yankee's caps, which makes me think they are from New York. Turns out none of them are (since they are all from Korea). It's a really odd image. Looking from the bottom up, you see heels, skinny jeans or leggings, sometimes a skirt, a nice top/jacket, a made-up face and a lot of the time hoop earrings, and then a baseball cap. Really weird.

In other fashion related news, I just read an article on BBC about how fleeces aren't fashionable. I don't really get why they would or would not be fashionable, since I think fleeces are really worn for practicality, but what was more interesting was the fact that there were a ton of comments on the story debating the fashionable uses of fleeces. If you wanted to be fashionable, why would you wear a fleece anyway? It's not like anyone is arguing about it.

I met a cool guy on like Tuesday night. His name is Keisuke (the second one I've met!) and he's from Okinawa. He was a contact I got about cell (small?) group with my church. Anyway, we played some guitar and got to talking about hobbies. I have a lot of them. One of them is bowling, and he happened to like bowling too. We chatted about it for a while, and decided we would go bowling sometime. The next night (Wednesday) at around 11:30 PM, Keisuke showed up outside my door asking if I wanted to go bowling. I've never gone bowling that late. It was really fun though. Here's the thing: bowling alleys in China (or at this one) are really different from the ones in the US, and according to Keisuke, the ones in Japan too. You can't get any spin on the ball in the lanes here. You can like flick it as hard as you can and it will just go straight. If you have ever bowled with me, you know all I can do is spin (Anoop style). I scored the worst I've ever scored in bowling ever, but I started to learn how to throw straight. Anyway, this story wasn't about my poor bowling. It was about this other Japanese guy that Keisuke happened to know. This guy was good. I don't think I've ever seen a turkey before and I saw him get six. SIX TURKEYS. During the three games I watched him, he scored something like 184, 223, 193. This guy was nuts. Amazing bowling. Almost always got a strike or spare.

I was going to mention a couple other interesting things but now I forget what they are. Which is disappointing. But that gives me an excuse to write another time, which I find really exciting. If any of you guys go to the RJD2 concert, let me know how it goes!


Emily Putnam said...

I feel like I'm going to turn into a sketchy blog-stalker if I don't occasionally post and say hi... I don't actually have anything particularly important to say, other than to express my deep sadness that all those girls chose Yankees caps over Red Sox, lol. Also, what's a turkey? (when it's not in the food sense, I mean) Hope you're doing well!

Unknown said...

i'm glad you have been observing the koreans..
maybe we shall share some views when you get back and i get back from beijing!!
hope you're having sooooo much funnnn!

Unknown said...

haha...davia was reading your descriptions of asian girls aloud to me. very amusing =) admittedly, i've only started reading your blog today so i decided to go backward a bit. i'm sitting in the library at a table, supposedly working. hahaa...davia said you were happy we still spend "quality grille time" together. this week, she's thinking of watching a movie instead. maybe kung fu panda. anywho...