Monday, December 8, 2008

Finals Week

So what have I been doing for the last week?

~350 abstract algebra problems I put off until the end of the semester. I am never doing that again. I wanted to die over the last week. But now it's turned in and finished! The only things standing between me and home are four days, two papers, and a problem set. I've decided to go skiing the morning before my flight, so I'm going to wake up at 8, hit the slopes hopefully before nine, ski til noon, come back, shower, eat, grab my stuff, and go to the airport. A fitting end to my semester here.

Tahoe still has very little snow, but places are open/opening soon, which is good. This has been a weird and disappointing winter.

As always, a bit about the Warriors. They suck. Biggest team of losers ever. If they lose to the OKC Thunder tonight I will hate them for the rest of the season until they either get a legit pg or a (fundamentally) legit big man. Seriously. As a side note, I can't wait to play ball at Cancer. Anyway, I think Jamal Crawford was definitely a good add for the team, even though he's a lot like Stephen Jackson and Corey Magette. He's better than both in my opinion, though I like how Jackson has been sharing the ball more. Hopefully we can drop Magette like first period gym by next year. They need to play Brandon Wright and Anthony Randolph a lot more though, both because they have the raw talent to make our team better in the coming years and we need bigger, taller guys getting rebounds. Depressing.

In other news, I've picked (sort of) a direction for my senior thesis! It'll probably be something in Topological Graph Theogy, either a nice overview of the field so far or a nice explination of a big theorem, perhaps the Heawood Theorem. Definitely accessible material if you guys want to read about it. I'm very excited for senior year. I will be only taking 3 classes, looking for jobs, writing a hopefully interesting thesis, studying probability (which I hope is easier than complex analysis), and getting my own thesis carrel, which is ridiculously exciting. Pretty nuts to think that the next semester I'm on campus I'll be a senior - freaky.

Lastly, for those from Fremont, I heard there's a pho place that has filet mignon pho called Pho Appetit in Newark or somewhere. Anyone interested in going? I've only been home for five days this year so far, so I plan on gorging on various good foods while I'm home.

1 comment:

Tori said...

Angelo! I would so be down for some pho over Christmas! and in general non-Indian food.

One week of India left.

Please do not remind me about senior year yet, because I haven't even been a Junior at Midd yet. You will be around for J-Term, right?