Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's 2010

It's 2010. Life is flying. I think it's time this blog is flying too. By that I mean I think it deserves to be tended to again. There was a brief and short-lived side project (, but now that Perry is dead, I need this blog to satisfy my urges. To blog.

Well, I guess this is primarily a vehicle to distribute information about me to you, so here are the big news I've had recently:

1. I finished my thesis. It went poorly. Very poorly.

2. I got a job! Details to come.

Aside from that, I haven't been skiing as much as I had hoped, for various reasons; found out listening to opera makes me want to listen to more rap; and realized J-term has been less exciting because I am a senior and my friends are too busy. Which is lame.

Anyway, in my normal all-over-the-place style, I'll end with this thought: The Blueprint 3 is really really good.

1 comment:

Simon said...

Excellent comeback entry.