Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I haven't updated in a while...sorry guys. Midd is busy and when it's not, all I want to do is sleep. And last week, watch a lot of the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies (since I don't really read and all. Anyway, this post will be an answer to both of the following questions: How are you Angelo? and What have you been up to?

I am good; we are in the process of finishing up our Fall Break, which unfortunately for me was quite unproductive. This last week I slept a lot more (averaged 8 hours a night!), watched some movies, led worship and spoke at large group (the source), and didn't fail a math midterm. The weekend before that was Fall Family weekend, so I got to see some wonderful parents. For you Middlebury readers, I met Brent's and Chris Opila's wonderful parents. We had several good meals and stuff. It was fun.

Golf is still on my horizon. That's a picture from the 14th green on our course. I played two games in the last four days, lost a total of 15 balls (today's game was pretty terrible and the back nine on our course is bounded by a thick deciduous forest), and broke a total of one pitching wedge. All in all, not too bad. I'm excited to be really wealthy one day and pick up golf for real, keeping score and everything. Not quite there yet though, unfortunately. I've also developed an unhealthy obsession with 30 Rock, in my opinion one of the best shows on television right now. Alec Baldwin's character is in many ways my hero (but not all ways - he's also crazy). I leave episodes on as background noise while I do homework and everything. Terrible. If you haven't seen the show, you should check it out cause it's hilarious.

I've also been playing a lot of guitar, particularly over break. I'm finally taking lessons again, after a five year hiatus, now with Paul Asbell (www.paulasbell.com). Apparently he's quite the guitar hotshot. I can now play "This Land is Your Land" in five keys, "Hey Jude" by the Beatles, and some song called ... something about the wind. And a bunch of scales and scale exercises. It's a ball! I'm also picking up some swing and blues and jazz chords. Super exciting.

Lastly, I've begun worrying about the future and job prospects. With the economy how it is, how the heck am I going to get a job? And what kind of job? My dream of being a part-time food critic and full time-golfer is probably no longer feasible. Time to start worrying...


NATHAN said...

yes 30 rock! my spring break 08 series.

Alethea said...

So Brent and Chris' parents get mentioned and not mine? I'm disappointed.

And you're not allowed to be worrying about your job prospects yet. You still have a year to start worrying. I, however, do not...