Monday, September 1, 2008

Thing's I've done this last week

So I failed at really staying updated. Last Tuesday, H. Kay Merriman and I had a ball at Bristol Falls. If you aren't familiar with H. Kay, she looks like this:
And Bristol Falls looks like this:Those rocks on the side are a lot taller than they look. Jumping off them was a ton of fun, but to save myself from the embarrassment of a large stomach, I will keep those pictures to myself. Aside from hurling ourselves off of those rocks, though, we also had a nice chat. It's scary to think that Junior year will pass so quickly, and next up is senior year in all of its job application glory. Freaky. I'm gonna go play some golf now. Holler at me.

1 comment:

NATHAN said...

i can't believe i said that.
it's ok for junior year to fly, just until i get back. then it had better slow down some.
ok are you ready? here is the debut of my blog: