Saturday, September 13, 2008


Although I'm not sure exactly how many people read this, I do feel bad for neglecting my blog for almost two weeks. Life has definitely picked up at Midd, so I'll note a couple things.

1. I think I'm picking up golf. With golf buddies no less. They/we have been in a recent rush to buy clubs, which are hella expensive. I'm heading to the driving range in several hours to work on my stroke (which is terrible). I don't even know if that's the right word for hitting a golf ball with a golf club. Pictures will hopefully be forthcoming.

2. If you didn't know already, my phone is broken in half. A new one is also forthcoming. And it will have an unlimited texting plan, so if I feel too lazy to talk, but not too lazy to move my thumbs, I will still be available for communication.

3. School is really hard this semester. I'm taking Complex Analysis with a professor who got his Ph.D from Princeton and is a certified genius of geniuses (geneii?). During his class, I learn a lot about the truth of the universe, but by the end, my head feels like an explosion. I'm also taking Abstract Algebra, TV and American Culture, and the United States and the Pacific - all in all, a pretty work heavy schedule. On top of that, I'm still working 8 hours a week in Admissions, tutoring, and grading/TAing for a class. Busy busy!

4. I fell down stairs yesterday morning. It was painful.

5. I like SoftSoap because it smells hella good.

I'll try to keep this updated more often. Tell all my friends!!!


Amanda Q said...

1.)SoftSoap is da BOMB and so are you

2.)Falling down the stairs sucks, but falling up the stairs is also no picnic

3.) How is TV and American culture?


NATHAN said...

so there's a bar in Paris called the Fu Bar. and I've been to it. and they played a lot of britney spears and nightmare-ishly bad 70s disco. not very fu-like in my opinion.

update update update

whats soft soap?