Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 2 - moderate success

Blogging is hard to keep up with such a busy life - Midd is beginning to kick me in the face already. But life is good.

My birthday was last Monday. I wasn't really planning on doing much of anything besides my Complex Analysis homework set, but Kelly Bennion and J. Brent Allen (the new hot couple, hot as in fashionable and not sexy) planned a surprise dinner for me which ended up being at Mr. Ups. Sunday night, however, Alethea Gross ruined the surprise by mentioning to me that Kelly had emailed a bunch of people for dinner for Monday, which at the time I forgot was my birthday. It was fun; I had a Cajun-spice rubbed steak and some sweet appetizers. Kelly also baked a fun-fetti cake, dyed her own frosting, and drew California on the cake with it. I think it said something like "Have a HELLA good Birthday!" It was pretty tasty and also pretty thoughtful. Hopefully pictures are forthcoming, but Kelly took them all so I don't have them.

Some of you guys didn't know what softsoap was. It's a nice-smelling brand of hand soap. The one I'm using looks like this:
Life at Midd is picking up nicely/quickly. I got my phone back; it has the same number as before, so you don't have to worry about entering it again on your phones. It is a little too smart for me. I got a BlackBerry Curve with the data plan, so now all my email also forwards to my phone and I can browse the web on it too. Pretty crazy. Also, I got a text plan, so you can text me (but don't go crazy, I've got a 200 text limit).

IVCF has picked up again too. Lots of cool new freshmen have been around at Bible Studies, the Source, and Prayz. Lots of pranking possibilities. We had our Freshmen retreat last weekend, which was a lot of fun. It involved a photo scavenger hunt, capture the flag that the upperclassmen lost terribly to the freshmen in, and general ensuing hilarity. Good deal.

Holler at me guys! I'm glad you can keep up with things happening!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Although I'm not sure exactly how many people read this, I do feel bad for neglecting my blog for almost two weeks. Life has definitely picked up at Midd, so I'll note a couple things.

1. I think I'm picking up golf. With golf buddies no less. They/we have been in a recent rush to buy clubs, which are hella expensive. I'm heading to the driving range in several hours to work on my stroke (which is terrible). I don't even know if that's the right word for hitting a golf ball with a golf club. Pictures will hopefully be forthcoming.

2. If you didn't know already, my phone is broken in half. A new one is also forthcoming. And it will have an unlimited texting plan, so if I feel too lazy to talk, but not too lazy to move my thumbs, I will still be available for communication.

3. School is really hard this semester. I'm taking Complex Analysis with a professor who got his Ph.D from Princeton and is a certified genius of geniuses (geneii?). During his class, I learn a lot about the truth of the universe, but by the end, my head feels like an explosion. I'm also taking Abstract Algebra, TV and American Culture, and the United States and the Pacific - all in all, a pretty work heavy schedule. On top of that, I'm still working 8 hours a week in Admissions, tutoring, and grading/TAing for a class. Busy busy!

4. I fell down stairs yesterday morning. It was painful.

5. I like SoftSoap because it smells hella good.

I'll try to keep this updated more often. Tell all my friends!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thing's I've done this last week

So I failed at really staying updated. Last Tuesday, H. Kay Merriman and I had a ball at Bristol Falls. If you aren't familiar with H. Kay, she looks like this:
And Bristol Falls looks like this:Those rocks on the side are a lot taller than they look. Jumping off them was a ton of fun, but to save myself from the embarrassment of a large stomach, I will keep those pictures to myself. Aside from hurling ourselves off of those rocks, though, we also had a nice chat. It's scary to think that Junior year will pass so quickly, and next up is senior year in all of its job application glory. Freaky. I'm gonna go play some golf now. Holler at me.